Monthly Archives: January 2012

I Jogged This Morning. It Was Ugly.

Today is the first day that I began my new jogging regimen—well, it’s hard to call it a “regimen” when today is day one. So, today could actually be called “Day One of the Beginning of My New Jogging Regimen.”

I’ve always wanted to be a runner. I always liked the idea of running. However, growing up as a *hrm* stocky lad, running, naturally, sucked. I hated running as a kid. I wanted running to be easy instead of hard. I guess I liked the idea of running, but I never liked the idea of having to work at running.

I still think that way. I’ve lost 25 pounds since October (not tooting my own horn or anything), simply by eating healthier and less. Plus by taking Phentermine, a pill straight from God. Usually, there’s a pill taped somewhere around Exodus 16, right around the “manna and quail” part. Because God provides food, along with a pill to keep you from eating it.

All joking aside, I watch what I eat, and taking Phentermine helps me not be so hungry. And I noticed today that when I jogged, compared to my pre-diet weight, I ran a heck of a lot easier. I actually had more energy to run. Albeit, I’m still about fifty pounds from my ideal weight, so I was exhausted when a normal healthy person wouldn’t even be sweating when I was. Yet, still, the extra baggage I had made my run a lot harder than it could have been.

I’m not saying running is easy. You see those marathon people look like they’re in pain whenever they reach the finish line. Sweat drenches their bodies. They smell. They are a mess. The run must have knocked them down in an alleyway and stole their purses. But as they cross the finish line, they have a look of accomplishment and victory.

The more you run, the more baggage you lose, and the more you push to keep getting more fit. In the end, you get healthier. But you always strive for more.

Paul says in Philippians 3:14 (NLT), “I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.” He uses the imagery of a running in his Christian walk, trying to attain the ultimate goal.

However, the run is ugly. You trip. You get knocked down. You get winded. Sometimes you have to stop and drink some living water. You gotta make sure your feet are “shod in the preparation of the gospel of peace” so you don’t get leg cramps and injuries. Yet as you run, you get healthier. You are then asked to run more. Run farther. Run faster. Keep up the pace. Don’t lose sight of the goal. Sometimes, you exasperate to God between each panting breath, “Why are you pushing me farther?”

Because He’s making you healthier.

That’s why you’re started running to begin with, isn’t it? To be healthier?

I’ve got my alarm set for tomorrow morning. Hopefully, I won’t sleep through it, because I’ve got to go jogging.

-Jesse B

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Third Time’s the Charm

Okay. So it’s been almost a year since I blogged.

The first time that I took up blogging (well, not really blogging, but more of an online diary), it was on Myspace. You could still find my hieroglyphs in that ancient ruin of a social networking site.

My next hitch at doing this was whenever my Technology in the Classroom class at school required an online blog. Thus some of the entries from last year about this time.

Then I promptly forgot about it. Now, here I am, once again trying to blog.

What made me come back here? Well, it is a combination of me having what I call “social networking fever” and me wanting to be nostalgic in the future. Recently, I read that Google would be updating their privacy policy and, as such, all accounts would be combined into one account. That meant that my Gmail account would end up also being my Google+ account, which I did not have. So I went ahead and created a Google+ account, and then, upon doing that, realized that YouTube was owned by Google, so now I have a YouTube account.

Which brings me back to “social networking fever”. I now have a Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube account. Why not a blogging account?


And here I am.

Also, it’s nice to look back and see what was going on in your life when you are old and gray, or at least a few months older. I look back on my previous two attempts at blogging, erm, online diary entries, and it’s nice to see them. Maybe the third time’s the charm here. Maybe I’ll stick with it so I can look back on my life and remember it.

Or maybe I just want to be a hipster and have all of this social network stuff. Either way. Maybe I’ll stay this time.

-Jesse B